When Narcissists Carry Demonic Attachments: Why Fighting Them Is a Battle You Can’t Win

Understanding narcissistic traits, healing from trauma, and setting boundaries to protect your energy and rediscover peace

Narcissistic Abuse relief, trauma healing

Dealing with narcissistic abuse or doing your best to heal from it? This article may be helpful.

I was working at an office job and frustrated because I didn’t want to be there. I was dealing with a heavy dose of PTSD after dealing with yet another person expressing narcissistic traits. Or was it something even more sinister? Let’s dive into it.

Some say Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) only affects 1% of the population while others claim 1 in around 20 people have it. With the rise of social media, we’re obviously seeing the sway towards more narcissistic characteristics.

Here’s what I wrote originally while all fired up:

“What I’ve noticed about narcissists is that they have all these people around them yet they are terrified of actual intimacy. And once someone wakes up to the game and they can no longer feed, the flattery ends. The abuse begins. The only answer with these types of people is to cut them out because unfortunately, they cannot see themselves or the pain they cause. I’ve had many partners who were so attracted to my light but constantly tried to suppress it because it made them uncomfortable. The brightest light casts the darkest shadows. Ultimately we project unhealed aspects of shadow onto others in order to heal. If someone isn’t trying to genuinely connect and learn about your heart, they aren’t welcome in your field. What’s the point? If your light is so unbearable to someone that they feel the need to suppress you or drag you down to their level, just walk away. Life is too short for energy vampires. Keep shining fearless.

And stop listening to the opinions of others who don’t give a sh*t about you. This is your movie. You are the star. You choose the cast. You choose the story. 

If you feel someone trying to suppress your light know they’re doing it to themselves because they don’t know how or don’t want to heal their pain. If the ego is all someone has, you kind of have to feel sorry for them. But they too will wake up to their divinity in time. You can’t force someone’s healing journey. Empathy is learned.

In order to align with true power you must walk through the fires and be reborn. There is no other way but through.”

I posted this on Facebook and then archived it, but I think it’s worth a reread, especially if you’re triggered after dealing with an actual narcissist or someone expressing a deep lack of empathy.

How can you tell you’re dealing with an actual narcissist? Here’s my opinion, and then some:

Narcissists often endure trauma in childhood which fractures the personality. On a spiritual level, they become disconnected from Source intelligence and start seeking power externally. Within, they are lost. They’ve forgotten how to source power and creativity within. This is why you always see them with important people around. They need those people to feed their egos, which is the tool they use to feel a sense of acceptance and power. If powerful people are around the narc, then surely they must look powerful too.

But that’s all it is. LOOK. They look powerful, but overtime, the cracks begin to show. If you spend enough time with a narc, soon they’ll reveal they aren’t that special themselves. Sure, their personalities may have gotten them far in life. They’re used to lying and manipulating to get their way. They are ALWAYS right after all. You cannot argue with a narc, but truly accomplished? Not always. Not in the sense of adding something truly meaningful into the world.

Because of their lack of connection to Source/inner light, they need to feed off others or external sources such as drugs to feel whole. Modern-day vampires to be sure. But the thing with narcs, is that despite their confidence, they are internally very weak. You can test this weakness by making a comment about their appearance, how something is off. A subtle dig to see how they respond. It won’t be pretty as their ego IS WHO THEY ARE.

They cannot see beyond their ego, so when you attack it even slightly as a test, you’ll know. They may blow up in a rage or attack you back.

Remember: This person does not want to feel their own pain and definitely doesn’t want to feel yours. They don’t want you to see who they really are so they want to keep things surface-level. Going deep terrifies them because it will expose their lies. Actually getting to know you and expressing genuine interest in your heart? Not a chance.

Often drugs are the narc’s choice of supply as well, and this is where things start to get weird. When drugs get involved, so do dark attachments or demons. So the next time you’re arguing with a narc about your worth, know you may be arguing with an actual demon.

I don’t know about you, but fighting other peoples’ demons on their behalf doesn’t seem like the greatest use of time here.

The trauma incurred from narcissistic abuse can be immense emotionally and can even cause brain damage which results in chronic physical and psychological issues. The good news is that you CAN reclaim your life with trauma-healing.

When you’re dealing with these types of people, know that the things they say may feel true, but often are just reflections of their unhealed inner worlds. Remember, these people are like children who don’t know how to heal their trauma. It isn’t up to you to heal that trauma.

Narcs often can spot empaths and autistic people, or any other really sensitive heart-felt soul from a mile away. Easy prey, they think. And often, they are right. Autistic people seem to especially annoy the narcissist because they are hard to read and at first they may appear similar in energy. When the narc catches on, the abuse ensues.

Until empaths learn how to set proper boundaries and stop trying to save everyone they meet, they’ll continue to be prey for these vampires.

If you’re dealing with a particularly nasty narc and you catch them abusing you, and often it will be very subtly, here’s what you can do:

  1. Call them out. Remember, YOU HAVE THE ACTUAL POWER. You are connected to Source Consciousness. All they have is their delusions. Ask them, “What did you mean by that? Can you explain that? That’s not how I feel about myself. This is making me uncomfortable. I feel hurt by this.”
  2. If they don’t express empathy and continue to attack, LEAVE. Don’t stick around, even if it’s painful because you had a “relationship”. It wasn’t one, not for the narc who is incapable of actual empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
  3. Set an actual boundary which looks like this: “If you come near me, *this* will happen.” Make it very clear they are not welcome in your life. If you rely on this person for shelter or money, find support elsewhere.
  4. Reach out to someone you trust to talk about what you’ve been through. Often it’s so jarring to the soul to go through these types of abuse, subtle or aggressive, because we truly opened up to these people. We shared a part of our soul with them. Talking about your experiences can be truly beneficial for understanding the psychology behind the behaviour. Spiritual healing is also extremely helpful for finding long-lasting peace.
  5. If you’re having trouble forgiving, finding meditation practices to help you do that can also help.
  6. Just let go. You’ll sometimes never get closure with these situations. If you blew up at someone who was abusing you, forgive yourself. It was an AUTHENTIC reaction to abuse. A typical manipulation tactic of a narc is to point out how awful you’re being during this type of reaction, putting the blame back on you when we’re all very aware who is at fault. Remember, the narcissistic abuse was NOT YOUR FAULT. But your actions now are your responsibility.

You have the power to let set firm boundaries with these types of people. If you find that this is a pattern that keeps repeating, you may have some childhood trauma to work out. The most important thing to remember is that you do have the power to heal this wound.

Instead of letting the pain consume your entire life, channel your anger into art, get mad, and then allow yourself to find peace. Make peace your priority. You deserve a peaceful life. Ask yourself, “How was that situation sacred? What did it teach me?”

Know it’s all a lesson to make you stronger.

And you have the power to step away from these types of relationships, even if that may be painful. You owe it to yourself to start prioritizing YOU.

Love Christina


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